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Leadership in the ties of COVID-19 - Some Real-Time Reflections From Managers

In this article, Ingalill Holmberg and Pernilla Petrelius Karlberg describe the findings from an interview study with 34 managers during the spring of 2020. The results show that leadership is both about managing chaos and boredom. To handle this large variety of situations, developing trust emerge as a central leadership skill. Leaders need to trust their employees and the process of developing and implementing new routines at the same time. However, above all, leaders need to trust themselves in not losing control in a situation few have experienced before.

2020 was the year when the COVID-19 outbreak became a global pandemic. In this book, researchers from the Stockholm School of Economics share their conclusions about how individuals, organizations and societies can meet the challenges of the pandemic and not only recover from its impact but also improve on where we were before - in short, to bounce back better.